Following the Makarov reveal trailer this morning Activision has laid out an extensive explainer on the carry forward content moving from Modern Warfare II to Modern Warfare III, and it includes basically everything.

For those that have spent a significant amount of time with Modern Warfare II, you know how long it takes to unlock certain things. For some it takes longer than others. Camos, weapons themselves, attachments for those weapons. All of these things can require a substantial amount of your time to acquire. Then there’s the operators and operators skins. Calling cards and emblems. In short, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II presents players with a serious grind for certain things. And it would be a real shame to have to lose all of that headed into Modern Warfare III when it launches on November 10.

Thankfully, that isn’t going to be the case it seems. As players should be able to carry forward, as stated earlier, nearly every piece of content they ever acquired. There are of course some caveats to this. But for the most part, you’ll have access to most of your favorite unlocks.

Modern Warfare II carry forward content breakdown


Modern Warfare II Carry Forward Weapons

To cut right to the chase, all weapons will carry forward from Modern Warfare II to Modern Warfare III. The rub, is that you need to have unlocked that weapon first. For example, the M13B is an excellent assault rifle from Modern Warfare II. The only way to unlock the base gun however, is to go into the DMZ, down the Chemist, pick up the M13B blueprint weapon he drops, then exfil with it. Or, kill another player who picked it up and grab the drop from them, then exfil with it. If you did not do this, then you won’t be able to use the base gun in Modern Warfare III.

That being said, you can use an M13B blueprint you may have picked up in the store in Modern Warfare II, and use and level that in particular. Just not the base version of the gun.

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Modern Warfare II Carry Forward Blueprints

You may have already guessed, but weapon blueprints will carry forward as well. If there’s a cool blueprint you unlocked in the battle pass in any given season, you can use that in Modern Warfare III. Fall in love with a blueprint that includes tracers? No worries. You won’t lose that content and you can continue to take out opponents with it in the upcoming game.

Operators and operator skins

Modern Warfare II Carry Forward Operators

Every single operator and operator skin will carry forward from Modern Warfare II to Modern Warfare III. Again though, you will need to have unlocked them. Certain operators for example are only available after certain mission completions during the Modern Warfare II campaign. While others popped up during a battle pass unlock in a given season. The same is true with skins. Certain operator skins have to be unlocked through battle pass progression or through store bundles. If you have acquired them though, they’re usable in Modern Warfare III.

Store bundles

Modern Warfare II Carry Forward Content Store Bundles

Once again, basically everything you purchased in the store will be usable in Modern Warfare III. There is of course a caveat here too. We’ll use the Dark Rituals III bundle (currently in the store) as an example. This bundle comes with a skin for the frag grenade. It’s cool. Especially since lethal equipment and the like don’t have too many skins. If, for whatever reason though Modern Warfare III didn’t include frag grenades as lethal equipment (lol), you won’t be able to use the skin from this bundle. Because there would be nothing to apply it to. If tactical or lethal equipment is available in both games though, then any skins you have for them do carry forward.

Activision will also update the store on August 16 to showcase if a bundle has something that won’t carry forward. Players can look for a label below the bundle item track that denotes if all items will carry forward.

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Weapon progression

This is probably one of the cooler parts of the carry forward initiative. Having a weapon to use is one thing. But you won’t just be able to carry forward the weapons. Their progression carries forward too. So if you have a maxed out ISO Hemlock, with every available attachment, all of that transfers over. You will not have to gain that progression again. Which should be a weight off your shoulders because some weapons (like a few of the launchers) are a pain to level up.

The best part about this is that anything you level up will be available to use in Modern Warfare III at launch. This should mean you will have access to fully leveled weapons (and their attachments) for use in multiplayer right away.

Calling cards, weapon charms, weapons stickers, emblems, and loading screens

All of this moves over too. So rest assured you can add all of this into your setup at any point. So long as it’s unlocked in Modern Warfare II. Worth mentioning though, is that calling cards from Modern Warfare II cannot be unlocked in Modern Warfare III. You can however go back and unlock them, and then they will also be usable in Modern Warfare III.

Vehicle skins and wartracks

Wartracks will not carry forward. But vehicle skins will if that vehicle is available to use in Modern Warfare III.

Lethal and tactical equipment

All of this moves over as well unless the equipment has been removed and replaced with equipment specific to Modern Warfare III. By the sounds of it, there will be some equipment that isn’t making the jump to the new game. So that equipment, even if unlocked in Modern Warfare II, will not carry forward to Modern Warfare III. This includes any associated skins.

Double XP tokens

Double XP tokens will carry forward to Modern Warfare III. So if you have plenty of them stocked up, you may want to consider saving them for when that game arrives. That is if you don’t have a need to use any of them right now.

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Camos will be limited to the weapons from their respective games

All Modern Warfare II camos will be available in Modern Warfare III, but you won’t be able to apply them to Modern Warfare III weapons unfortunately. That means if you’ve unlocked the Orion camo and you want to continue to use it for a flex on other players, you can certainly do that. Just not with any Modern Warfare III weapons. Activision has confirmed that Modern Warfare III will have its own challenge camos and completionist camos for players to acquire. So there will definitely be something to chase.

Activision also confirms Modern Warfare III completionist camos will be separate from the Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and Orion camos in Modern Warfare II. Additionally, you’ll be able to unlock those camos in Modern Warfare III if you complete the requirements.

Content from Modern Warfare III will not carry back

While just about all content will carry forward from Modern Warfare II to Modern Warfare III, the same is not true for the reverse, Activision says. Any content from the new game coming this Fall can only be used in that game.

It might seem odd given how much stuff is carrying forward. But if you think about, this decision does make sense. Content from the upcoming game may work in a way that Modern Warfare II isn’t designed for. In other words, Modern Warfare III content in Modern Warfare II could cause unintended, game-breaking issues. Of course there’s no way to truly know, since it won’t be happening.

In the end, all that should matter is that for players that have been putting in the grind since Modern Warfare II launched in 2022, nearly all of that content will be usable in the upcoming game. So it won’t be useless and your time spent won’t feel like a waste.

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