Following the murder of Hezbollah’s senior commander, Fouad Shukr, in an airstrike in Beirut on Tuesday and Israel’s threat to continue attacking the territory, the US government had to raise its travel advisory to “Level 4: Do Not Travel” for the entire country the next day.

According to the agency, rising tensions between Hezbollah and Israel have made Lebanon a non-go country for US citizens.

Its biggest concerns include “crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, unexploded landmines, and the risk of armed conflict,” as well as kidnapping for ransom or political motives and potential terrorist attacks against tourist and government venues.

Some areas of Lebanon have increased security risks, so if you are in any of these places you must leave them at your earliest convenience.

“Be prepared to shelter in place should the situation deteriorate. The U.S. Embassy strongly encourages U.S. citizens who are already in Southern Lebanon, near the borders with Syria, and/or in refugee settlements to depart,” reads the advisory.

And, according to the latest statements issued by Israel Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, the conflict is likely to escalate in the coming days.

Israel’s army “knows how to operate and reach a certain window in a neighborhood in Beirut, it knows as well how to target a certain point underground, and we also know how to operate inside on the ground very strongly,” said Halevi, suggesting more strikes are coming.

Americans who decide to travel to Lebanon or remain in the territory must develop a self-protection plan before the conflict escalates. 

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Such a plan must not rely on the help of the U.S. government as its consular capacity is very limited at the moment.

In addition, US citizens should not rely on the Lebanese government for protection.

The government encourages citizens to find commercial flights to leave Lebanon as soon as possible. Be reminded that a number of airlines have suspended, rescheduled or canceled their operations from and to the country. U.S. military-assisted evacuations are not guaranteed.

Why is the Security Situation Deteriorating so Rapidly in Lebanon?

Is It Safe To Travel To Lebanon Right Now

The Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah has been accused of launching a terrorist attack that killed 12 children in the Golan Heights on July 27, a territory occupied and administered by Israel – The group has denied its responsibility in this attack.

Hezbollah has also been intermittently attacking Israel since October 8, a day after the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas launched one of the bloodiest attacks in history against Israel.

What to Do If You Are Trapped In Lebanon?

Here are some important recommendations you should follow to increase your safety in Lebanon.

  • Don’t stay long around crowds or demonstrations.
  • Appoint one of your family members as the point of contact in case you get kidnapped.
  • Stick to well-traveled routes.
  • Keep your travel documents updated and handy.
  • For a reason the US government has not provided, Americans are advised not to touch any unknown metal objects.
  • Keep yourself permanently informed about the situation on the ground.
  • Register at to ensure the State Department can help you if something wrong happens to you.
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