Right now, it seems that there are a thousand and one alternatives to the microblogging site Twitter. Now, Facebook and Instagram owner Meta is looking to bring its own take on microblogging. Rumor has it that it’s going to release a Twitter clone for its Instagram users. According to The Independent, Twitter is not having any of it.

In a tweet posted by Twitter’s new head Linda Yaccario, we see that the bird app is ready to trade blows with Meta. The tweet has a Techcrunch article embedded talking about the Twitter clone. It’s accompanied by the text “Game on!”

Instagram will eventually come out with its own Twitter clone

Instagram is already the most popular photo-sharing platform despite its recent emphasis on video. However, Meta feels that the company could expand to new areas of the social media experience. We’ve been following rumors about the company’s take on microblogging.

We don’t really know much about this app. Last week, Meta shared details about this app. The app’s name is P92 or Barcelona internally. In a statement, Meta said “We’re exploring a standalone decentralised social media for sharing text updates.”, “We believe there’s an opportunity for a separate space where creators and public figures can share timely updates about their interests.”

This appears to be a new area where Instagram is looking to expand. while you can post captions for your pictures and videos, Instagram is still a picture/video-first application. You’re not allowed to embed links into your post. Also, your posts get cut off pretty quickly if you have an excess of characters.

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The company did try to remedy this by letting people post short text updates that people can see under their messages tab. However, those are limited to 60 characters.

This new app could be a much better place for people to share what’s going on in their lives without there needing to be a visual aspect to it.

How will this work?

This will be a standalone app, but it seems like it’ll be similar to IGTV in that it’ll use your existing Instagram account. This means that your followers, content, and username will be carried over. No need to make a new account.

Social media consultant Navara said that the app will launch sometime this summer and that it’s targeting film and television actors, producers, Writers, directors, show Runners, athletes, and comedians to come to the app.

We’re pretty sure that Twitter is going to invite these guys on board first with public availability following. Allowing public figures onto the platform will entice more people to join. Stay tuned for more information on this upcoming app.

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