The Hollywood Reporter published a profile of Tom Holland on June 14 and revealed to the world how cute and nice Uncharted actor Tom Holland is. As it flew around Twitter, eliciting enthusiastic GIF reactions and photosets of Holland looking deep in thought (he is multitalented), video game writer Eric Stirpe revealed the shocking truth: Holland was actually pretty cute and nice when he collaborated with Fortnite back in 2021, too.

Holland recorded voiceover lines for the Epic battle royale game’s Winterfest 2021, around when Spider-man: No Way Home released.

“We had Tom and [his girlfriend, Euphoria actress] Zendaya do some VO for a Fortnite x Spider-Man promo,” Stirpe wrote on Twitter. “Zendaya did hers, and then he was the next day. He wanted to know if he did his faster than her (he had), and then gleefully texted her to gloat right as the session ended. It was adorable.

Wow. That’s pretty cute and nice, don’t you think?

“I liked him a lot and was super impressed by his balance of professionalism and willingness to have fun in the booth,” Stirpe says in another tweet. “Good guy.”

In addition to being cute, nice, and a good guy, it turns out that Holland is also unique and beautiful, The Hollywood Reporter quotes Spider-Man producer Amy Pascal saying.

“He inhabited Peter Parker in a way that was completely unique,” she explains. “He was emotional. He was funny. He had a pathos to him that is hidden behind his smile. But you can feel it. He’s hiding it from you in a way that’s beautiful.” Cool, yeah, I like guys with brown hair too.

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The Spider-Man franchise’s most recent installment—Across the Spider-Verse, which is now playing in theaters—centers young Miles Morales instead of Holland’s Peter Parker. But Holland suggests in his Hollywood Reporter profile that they’re all connected. After meeting past live-action Spider-Men Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire on the set of No Way Home, Holland says they formed “this amazing bond as three people who have been through something that is so unique that we really are like brothers.”

“We have a great group chat and we catch up every now and then,” he continued. “It’s called the Spider-Boys.”

Holy shit. That is so cute and nice and unique and beautiful. Do you feel inspired?

If you’re eager to become a Spider-Boy yourself, Fortnite recently added new Spider-Man skins, including a sleek red-and-blue Spider-Man 2099 skin, to its item shop to commemorate the new movie.

Famous people are so cool.


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