Respawn Entertainment has given the servers for Titanfall 2 some spit and polish at the same time as a significant sale for the game has gone live.

The issues have besieged Titanfall 2 for a few years, stopping players from starting games with others while searching for new matches. However, fans found that the playlists for the shooter had been updated including a refresh for the weapons in Coliseum.

As Titanfall 2 had been subjected to mods to support the community as well as security breaches from antagonistic actors, players wondered whether or not this was a hack from fellow fans. According to modder GeckoEidechse, this is an official patch from Respawn Entertainment, albeit one without any fanfare at all.

“Given that I’m in the modding community it was obvious to me that it wasn’t anyone of us,” explained the modder. “So to be clear, this fix comes from within Respawn (or however is working on [Titanfall 2] servers). There’s no ‘hackers breaking into servers and fixing them’ happening here.”

Additionally, an update to Apex Legends has got the Titanfall fanbase excited. The last few lines of the announcement on the battle royale’s website read: “Incoming Transmission…. Subject: Nessie…. 1394521200, 1477638000, 1549267200.”

These numbers correspond to the release date of Titanfall, Titanfall 2, and Apex Legends in Unix time (a form of recording time and date in computing).

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At the moment it’s not known what this pertains to but there is a 90 per cent discount on Titanfall 2 on PC and a 75 per cent discount on PlayStation and Xbox.

Earlier this year Respawn Entertainment CEO Vince Zampella said that he “would love” to see Titanfall 3. NME described the most recent entry in the series as “one of the best (and most underrated) FPS games of the previous generation”, and Zampella understood the hope from fans that it would return.

Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2. Credit: Respawn Entertainment

“It has to be the right thing,” he responded. “It’s such a beloved franchise for the fans and also for us. If it is not the right moment in time, the right idea, then it just doesn’t make sense.”

In other news, Stig Asmussen has left Respawn Entertainment after almost a decade at the developer, with Electronic Arts wishing him luck on “other adventures”.
