Another copyright battle between Sonos and Google over an audio patent is now over. Over the years, this case has been a back-and-forth of various court case fillings between the two parties. One of the cases between Sonos and Google has been decided in favor of Sonos, while the rest are still pending.

The investigations on the first patent infringement filing came to an end in 2022, and it found Google guilty as charged. Following the conclusion of the investigation by the ITC, Google had to make some software changes to their products. This was to enable the tech giant to ship its speakers and audio devices internationally without any restrictions.

However, since the ITC investigations on some issues became available to the court, the hearing of the case resumed. The court found Google guilty of infringement on one of Sonos’ audio patents. This led to the court giving Google a fine of $32.5 million in royalty payments to Sonos, but this is just the beginning.

Sonos first victory in their patent battle against Google is just the start of a chain of legal reactions

Sonos’ victory is just one of many other patent violation cases that the court has to look into. Over the past few years, the two parties in this case have filed patent infringement cases against themselves. All these cases are currently under investigation, with the verdict on one coming in favor of Sonos.

While Sonos celebrates this victory, Google is going back to the draft board to come up with new plans. Regardless, this is just one victory amid lots of cases that both parties have tabled before the court. Most of these cases seem to be on hold, awaiting conclusive investigations by the ITC on the nature of the cases.

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This delay might last for a while, hence lingering the case in court and giving both parties time to prepare. Reports have it that Google on their part have some solid grounds for their patent cases against Sonos. The latter on their part are also putting up a good fight in court to prove their innocence regarding infringing Google’s patents.

Google still needs to find solid evidence if they are to prove that Sonos infringed on their patents. If the tech giant can prove Sonos is guilty, then the latter will not be smiling for so long. This case is a rather bulky one, with each party pointing fingers at the other whilst laying allegations of patent infringement.

The court will need to investigate each case thoroughly after proper investigations. By doing this, the court will be able to make sound rulings for or against either party. In the coming weeks, more details on the outcome of the other cases will become available.

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