As you may have noticed, we’re taking some tech changes live on the site — the changes will primarily be an “under the hood” kind of thing (new theme, to replace the one we’ve used since 2012!) but we’re trying to preserve the existing design as much as possible. (The theme is like the engine of the car; the design is like the color paint.) We’re also going to be trialing a new commenting software that should be a lot better than the current one and while hopefully fix the caching problems we’ve had, such as duplicate comments.

In any event — pardon our dust, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the new commenting system. (We’re working on an “expand all” button…)

You can still post comments using a fake email, if you’re wondering. Two other big changes: you can upvote comments (the +0 next to the Reply button) and you can edit your comment for 15 minutes, even as a non-logged in user — after you make a comment if you hover over it you’ll see a Gear symbol in the lower right-hand corner of the post. (Both circled in green in the screengrab below.)

screencapture of test comment with +0 and the gear symbol circled in green

This commenting system (WPDiscuz) has a lot of other bells and whistles I’m still considering – the ability to @ users, the ability (if signed in) to see highlighted new comments since your last sign in, the ability to search comments… so stay tuned!

Stock photo via Stencil.

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See also  Coffee Break: Loca Slingback -