Patapon Spiritual Sequel Blows Up Kickstarter In Just One Hour
3 min read
Dozens of PlayStation fans have spent years dreaming about a new Patapon game, the rhythm-based strategy series for the Playstation…
Prequel To Japanese RPG Is Doing Very Nicely On Kickstarter
2 min read
While the Golden Age of video games making bank on Kickstarter is long gone, that isn’t to say there aren’t…
Rainbow Six Kickstarter Asks For More Money From People Who Already Backed
4 min read
In 2021 Mythic Games, with the backing of Ubisoft, announced a Kickstarter campaign for an officially-licensed board game adaptation of…
Kickstarter Suspends AI-Generated Image (Well, Porn) Project
4 min read
Picture: Kickstarter Till immediately, there had been an energetic Kickstarter marketing campaign operating for Unstable Diffusion, a undertaking describing themselves…