In this day and age of social media, regulating underage users and preventing them from harmful content is one of the biggest issues for many tech companies. Now, in a recent development, Snapchat has reportedly found itself in hot water with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK’s regulatory body for data protection, over alleged mismanagement and inadequate measures to expel underage users from its platform.

This investigation follows Snapchat’s report in March 2023, where they disclosed the removal of a relatively small number of users under the age of 13. While the company’s efforts are commendable, another report from the UK media regulator Ofcom suggested that the number of underage users on Snapchat was actually in the thousands. This not only questions the platform’s ability to handle children appropriately but also brings to light the legal requirement, according to UK data protection laws, for parental consent when processing data of children under 13 years old.

“Snapchat users as young as 11 and 12 are talking to Childline about how they are sending nude images and communicating with adults on the platform. It is vital we see stronger action to ensure young children are not using the platform and older children are being kept safe from harm,” said Richard Collard, associate head of child safety online for the NSPCC.

Gathering information

As part of its standard procedures, the ICO has initiated the preliminary phase of data collection before formally launching an investigation. In this stage, the ICO will issue information notices, which are formal requests for internal data.

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However, if found guilty, the potential consequences could be substantial, as Snap might be liable to pay a fine of 4% of its global annual turnover, approximately $184 million, based on the company’s recent financial results.

Snapchat’s requirements

While Snapchat has not yet released an official statement, a spokesperson from Snap Inc. has expressed alignment with the ICO’s goal of creating age-appropriate digital platforms. Additionally, the spokesperson also emphasized the company’s shared commitment to the principles outlined in the Children’s Code and highlighted the ongoing productive dialogues with the ICO to collaboratively address these concerns.

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