A new Skyrim mod has been released that adds a fully-voiced Thalmor companion.

The Thalmor’s Shadow (via PC Gamer) was launched last week, and adds Taliesin: a male elf and ex-Thalmor, who wants to break free from his former allies and find a new life by your side.

“A former member of the Thalmor wants a clean start,” reads the mod description. “Only you can save him from his past life.”

Once you’ve downloaded and installed the mod, you can find Taliesin (or Tally to his friends) at a hidden shrine to Talos in Falkreath Hold.

Taliesin is voiced by actor Pat Mahoney, who recorded over a thousand unique voice lines which were written by both Pat and the mod creator.

“Many of Tally’s monologues and quips are inspired by true events and personal hardships,” said Mahoney. “On my journey, I have felt the world around me lacking in empathy and compassion. Men are discouraged from talking about their feelings; it is my mission to tap into that oft-suppressed vulnerability… Tally represents my own fears, ambitions, and desires that I often don’t express in my acting career as much as I wish I could. For anyone who feels similarly, I hope this mod empowers you to know that you are not alone.”

According to the mod’s creator, there are even more lines yet to come.

“He never fit in at home,” reads the mod page. “Come to think of it, he never really fit in well with the Thalmor either. A once-proud member of the Altmeri Dominion with a strange backstory, Taliesin is unlike any Altmer the Dragonborn has encountered. After a routine order to clear out some Talos Worshippers goes horribly awry, this Mer has a sudden change of heart and wants out. Perhaps having a member of the Thalmor in your pocket could be beneficial?”

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Other recent mods have added Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels to the game, while another is even planning to bring the entirity of 2006’s Oblivion game into Skyrim.
