What are your skincare habits?

If you think about it, you probably established most of them when you were very young.

And you may still cling to those habits today—10, 20, 30, or more years later.

Some of those habits may serve you well—such as being sure to cleanse your face morning and night—but others may cause your skin to age faster than it normally would.

If you’re 30 years old or older, check the following skincare habits. These are the ones you should change if you want your skin to be as radiant and youthful as possible.

Why Skincare Habits Should Change After the Age of 30

Young skin often seems to look magically smooth and flawless. But as we go through our 20s, changes begin to occur that signal our youthful days are over.

By the time we enter our 30s, collagen production starts to slow down, and the first signs of wrinkling show up around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. The skin isn’t as tight as it was, and hyperpigmentation may show up in dark spots or splotches—often the result of years of sun exposure.

For some, hormonal changes will also show up on the skin. The 30s can be a time of stress, starting or stopping the pill, pregnancy and childbirth, and breastfeeding. Hormonal changes can cause hyperpigmentation and adult acne.

Over time, the use of products with harsh ingredients and potentially harmful chemicals can damage and break down the skin barrier, potentially causing increased sensitivity and sensitive skin issues. Then, as skin cell turnover slows down, the skin can start looking dull. It may be drier than it was and react more often to certain skincare products or even harsh weather.

These and other changes can leave you puzzled as to what’s going on. Don’t worry—these are common changes that can occur with aging. The key is to change your skincare routine so you can deal with them.

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Skincare Habits Calming Moisture

7 Skincare Habits to Lose After the Age of 30

1. Washing too often.

When you were young, you may have washed your face multiple times per day without any issues. But after the age of 30, that sort of washing can strip your skin of vital moisture it needs to look its best.

It’s still important to wash twice a day, particularly before bed, so your skin doesn’t marinate in the dirt and grime it collected throughout the day. But more than that may cause dryness and dullness.

Instead, if you need to refresh your skin in the middle of the day, try our Rescue + Relief Spray as a hydrating mist.

2. Using the same products you used in your teens and 20s.

As you mature, your skin needs different things than it did when you were younger. Drying acne products, for example, can accelerate aging and even make acne worse when you’re older. Alcohol-rich toners also dry out the skin in your 30s, and many cleansers can do the same.

Instead, once you pass the age of 30, take a second look at your products. You’ll likely need a gentler cleanser, alcohol-free toner (like our Rescue + Relief Spray), and quality moisturizer (like our Calming Moisture) that will truly care for your skin—not just coat it.

Then consider your skin’s needs—adding a vitamin C cream can help fade discoloration, while hydroxy acids can help keep cell turnover moving so the skin maintains its radiance.

Skincare Habits 3. Ignoring your chest and neck.

We don’t think about these areas when we’re young, as they’re naturally smooth and soft. But after the age of 30, it’s time to add chest and neck care to your regular skincare routine. That’s because as skin ages, signs of aging like sagging and crepiness can show up in this area early on.

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Add a neck cream to your routine. Consider using one that contains firming ingredients to help reduce the appearance of sagging and wrinkles. In between treatments, use a regular moisture like our Calming Moisture to keep this area hydrated and healthy.

4. Using fragranced products.

You may have loved those nice-smelling products when you were younger, but as you get older, you may find that your skin doesn’t like them so much.

Most fragrances are made with a collection of chemicals. Over time, your skin can develop an allergy to these chemicals and may start to react with redness and irritation. Particularly if you notice that your skin seems sensitive, or you suffer from rosacea or psoriasis, it’s important to avoid fragranced products.

Though it’s important at any time, it’s even more important after the age of 30 to make the switch to clean, nontoxic skincare products. They don’t irritate the skin or cause sensitivities, and they’re more likely to truly nourish the skin to help delay the signs of aging.

Look for clean skincare fragranced only with essential oils or no fragrance at all. Don’t forget to check every product that touches your skin, including body wash, bubble bath, and shaving cream.

Skincare Habits R + R Spray

5. Popping your pimples.

It’s so tempting, but your older skin won’t like it.

You may have gotten away with it when you were younger, but adult acne is different. If you’re unlucky enough to have to deal with it, keep your fingers away from your face. Popping pimples after the age of 30 causes skin trauma that often heals with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation—meaning that skin will develop a dark spot over the area that can persist for years.

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Picking at your pimples can also cause scarring that tends to hang around for a long time. Instead, treat the pimple with a spot treatment and then let it be.

Skincare Habits 6. Failing to get enough sleep.

You pulled those all-nighters in your prime, but now it’s more important to get your 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

That’s because a lack of sleep in your 30s and beyond can quickly make you look older. Studies have found that even one night of sleep deprivation results in more noticeable fine lines and wrinkles!

Your skin goes to work repairing itself when you sleep, so put your cell phone and computer away at least an hour before bed, make sure you have a supportive mattress, and spend at least 30 minutes engaged in a quiet activity like reading to help you nod off when it’s time.

7. Having a sporadic approach to skin care.

Maybe you were really conscientious about your skincare routine from the beginning. But if you were like most young people, you probably had a lot of days where you ignored your skin entirely.

After you turn 30, it’s time to get seriously disciplined about your skin care. Regular, consistent care is what will help you delay the appearance of aging as you move into your 40s, 50s, and beyond.

That means even when you don’t feel like it, take a few minutes to cleanse, tone, and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Your future self will thank you!

Have you changed your skincare habits lately?

xo pamela Copy 2

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