The governor of Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama Espinosa, pointed out the security operations that will be carried out in the Mexican Caribbean before the start of spring break, with the support of corporations from the three levels of government.

“We are all working daily on joint actions under the new agreement for the welfare and development of Quintana Roo to increase security. We maintain a presence on all beaches with officers from the Navy, the National Guard, the Tourist Police and the State Police,” she said.

Just before the start of the Spring Break season, the governor welcomed visitors.

She said “Operation Red Circle” begins every day at 10 p.m. to monitor bars and nightclubs. In addition to the surveillance that takes place from the C5, there are immediate attention centers called (CAIS) and tents where security cameras are constantly checked.

cancun police patroling

She assured that Quintana Roo and its various tourist destinations are safe communities.

And this was confirmed by the three million 829 thousand passengers received between January and February this year. 830 thousand passengers more than in the same period of 2022, she noted.

Mara Lezama pointed out that all of us in Quintana Roo work daily on joint actions to increase security for visitors and also for citizens who live in the region.

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