vladimir putin ban sex change surgery russia draft dodgers war ukrainejpg 1685646293059

Vladimir Putin is preparing to ban sex change operations across Russia in an effort to prevent desperate draft dodgers from avoiding the war in Ukraine, RadarOnline.com has learned.

In the latest development to come as the 70-year-old Russian leader continues to struggle to take Ukraine, Putin and the Kremlin are reportedly poised to pass a law that would completely prohibit Russian citizens from undergoing gender reassignment surgery.

The decision reportedly came after Russia experienced a “huge surge” in fighting-aged men changing their gender in an effort to avoid their inevitable call-ups to the frontlines.

According to Daily Star, more than 400 Russian politicians are set to back Putin’s new bill that would essentially ban gender changes until the war in Ukraine comes to an end.

“A person who changes their passport gender but physically remains the same can get married and adopt children, which could result in various legal complications,” explained Russian Justice Minister Konstantin Chuychenko.

“We’re preserving Russia for posterity, with its cultural and family values, with its traditional ways, by placing a barrier in the way of the Western anti-family ideology,” added Russian Deputy Pyotr Tolstoy.

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