Marston Hefner, the son of the late Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, is probably the most down-bad person on the planet. He started an OnlyFans account this year to sell tasteful and steamy nudes, and then used that secondary income to fund his habit of collecting Pokémon cards.

In an exclusive interview with Page Six, Hefner explained why he joined OnlyFans, saying he prefers selling nudes of himself instead of participating in porn because of his disinterest in pornography and the stigma around the field.

“I joined it because one, I believe there’s nothing wrong with nudity or sexuality,” Hefner said. “I grew up in an environment where that was kind of hammered home where, ‘There’s nothing wrong with nudity. Nudity’s normal.’ So, I grew up with Playboys strewn around the house. Nudity was a common thing [for me] growing up. And so then that brings me to the other reason, which is I really like comic books. I really like Pokémon cards. I’m a collector. I have my Amazing Fantasy Spider-Man [comic book] in this chest right here, and this is a way for me to get some income so that I can buy that Pokémon card that I really want.”

Trading Playboy magazines for Pokémon cards

Although he didn’t disclose how much he’s making from his OnlyFans account, in talking to Page Six, Hefner clarified that in six months, he’ll be able to buy a Pokémon trophy card. You know, like the super-rare one that sold for $300,000 back in April.

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“[My OnlyFans] is not supporting myself,” Hefner said. “It’s mostly for collecting, but it is a long-term avenue for further financial security. All of the income right now is going toward Pokémon cards and comic books. It’s not going to get me the best Pokémon card, but over the long term, it makes a big difference.”

Page Six

Marston Hefner has found his people on OnlyFans

In a phone interview with Kotaku, Hefner explained that the specific Pokémon card he really wants is actually a misprint of some of the OG base sets.

“There’s a disco base set which is like a misprint,” Hefner said. “It was like The Pokémon Company were thinking about making [more of these sets], but instead they went with a different design. Still, there are a few sheets, a few of those cards out there, those kinds of test prints. And so, obviously, they’re very rare and I think they’re much cooler. […] I have my eyes on Disco base sets, but my happiest place is opening packs with my niece.”

Hefner said that through collecting, he’s becoming even more interested in finances and saving money, explaining he hasn’t purchased any cards with the money he’s made from OnlyFans yet. However, he does have a Google Doc tracking his financials to know when he could buy his desired cards, like a near-perfect condition, or PSA 10-graded, Ho-Oh, which could run a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, according to recent eBay listings.

“My favorite Pokémon is Ho-Oh,” Hefner said. “Because in the very first episode, Ash [Ketchum] sees a giant, rainbow, flaming gay Ho-Oh. He’s soaring through the air and I remember that feeling of going, ‘That’s the coolest Pokémon ever.’ It was this mythical ‘over there beyond the hills is happiness, over there is Ho-Oh.’ I remember as a kid just wanting to meet Ho-Oh, and I think it’s a gorgeous, underrated Pokémon. Maybe I like Ho-Oh because it’s the black sheep legendary that people count out.”

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Hefner mentioned he started posting on Instagram first to connect with a community but wasn’t too keen on the disparaging messages he got about his looks and body image. OnlyFans has been a completely different story.

“The people on OnlyFans are I think starting from a place of, like, nudity is OK,” Hefner said. “And they’re nonjudgmental. I’ve met folks with master’s degrees in psychology. I’ve met two different jewel crafters. I’ve met somebody who lives out in the middle of nature and pays $10 a month to live out in the desert and camp out. The people I’ve met are fascinating and they’re really fucking nice. Every single one. I’ve had only three negative experiences, but [being on OnlyFans] has been positive. It feels really good to receive all that love and to give it back to [my community]. I genuinely enjoy being on the platform and I think that comes across to the fans.”

As for Hefner’s OnlyFans? Well, the short life updates, selfies, and covered-up nudes are mostly free, but the occasional more explicit stuff will run you $45 to unlock and watch. Not every post will leave you hot and sweaty, but some, like him bathing in a tub or exercising in the nude, are in my humble estimation hotter than hell.

I love this for Hefner, who’s also an author and a gamer. While I’m sure he could use his old man’s fortune to buy as many cards as he wants, I appreciate that he’s seeking to self-fund his Pokemon obsession. Talk about self-efficiency.


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