Black Desert Mobile is still going strong even after quite a few years, and it’s poised to get one of its biggest expansions to date with Everfrost.

Everfrost is the mobile adaption of the Mountain of Eternal Winter expansion for Black Desert on the PC. Which is one of that version of the game’s biggest expansions as well. Like that version, Everfrost will feature a new region and tons of other new content. Including a new class called the Guardian which wields an utterly massive battle axe and battle shield.

The Guardian class specializes in up close melee attacks with heavy-hitting power and strong defense. Making it a perfect role for someone who likes to play a more tanky character. Yet still dish out damage for an all-around powerful playstyle. The class of course is just one of the pieces of new content coming to the game. And by all accounts, probably the smallest portion of it. The real meat on the bone will be the new region and all there is to explore there.

The expansion won’t be live officially until June 27, and it’ll be available for Android and iOS players. However, players can get a sneak peak at the new region.

Black Desert Mobile players can explore Everfrost early

Black Desert Mobile Everfrost (1)

The new expansion may be a couple of weeks away, but there is a way you can take a look at things early. There will be an event happening until June 26 that enables this. Starting June 16, players can take part in the Eversnow Valley event, where they can travel to Eversnow Valley and explore the region for 20 minutes. There are some requirements though.

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You’ll need to have at least one character above level 70 or a character whose power level is higher than 5,000. If you meet either of those requirements, you can participate in the event. There’s more incentive to doing the event than just exploring early too.

If you go to Eversnow Valley and defeat monsters, there’s a chance to earn rewards. If you missed them, check out both Black Desert Mobile trailers relating to this expansion below.

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