Tetsuya Takahashi, the co-creator of Xenoblade Chronicles, shared that the next entry in the action role-playing series would “betray everyone’s expectations, in a good way”.

The announcement came from a note included in the latest limited edition of Xenoblade Chronicles 3‘s original soundtrack which went on sale earlier this year. The English translation of Takahashi’s Japanese message card inside the box for the physical edition is courtesy of Xenomira, a blog dedicated to the translation of “anything related to the Xeno series”.

Referring to Xenoblade Chronicles 3‘s theme of embracing the unknown with open arms, the co-creator and executive producer said that another Xenoblade Chronicles story would subvert the established pattern of the series.

“Rather than playing on defense, going on the offense; change rather than maintain. This is a stance that I have continued to hold for thirty years. If there is another Xenoblade, it will likely be something vastly different from what came before,” explained Takahashi.

next xenoblade game will be totally different to the others 2
‘Xenoblade Chronicles 3’ Credit: Nintendo

“In style and in music, I would like to make my next goal something that will betray everyone’s expectations, in a good way,” he continued.

Monolith Soft has been enthusiastic about the possibility of progressing the Xenoblade series past the third entry. “Yes, it will still go on! I want to keep it going as long as possible!” answered producer Genki Yokota, seemingly suggesting that Xenoblade Chronicles 4 was on the cards.

However, based on the statement in the original soundtrack box, it sounded like Takahashi wasn’t so sure the sequel would be given the green light. What is set in tablets of stone is that the co-creator would like to try something totally different in his next game, whatever it turns out to be.

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Future Redeemed, the final chapter of Xenoblade Chronicles 3‘s downloadable content, arrived in April and featured a story that “[connected] all three installments in the Xenoblade Chronicles series”. In addition, players who completed the story and the battle at the end unlocked Shulk and Rex as heroes in the main game.

In other gaming news, leaked Wonder Woman artwork might point to a reveal very soon, as well as extra information on the game’s Nemesis System.
