Epic Games has confirmed Fortnite’s upcoming Myths & Mortals update will bring Greek Gods to the battle royale.

The Chapter 5 Season 2 update will introduce a number of legendary weapons and mythical locations to Fortnite.

“Pandora’s Box has been opened on the Fortnite Battle Royale Island, bringing Olympus to the battlefield. Olympian legends — including Hades and the thunder god Zeus — now rule the Island in otherworldly rage. To make matters worse, they’ve brought their powers and weapons with them,” said Epic in a dedicated blog post, with players encouraged to “use their mythological means against them.”

As part of Myths & Mortals, Fortnite players will be able to battle at Mount Olympus, Grim Gate, The Underworld and the Brawler’s Battleground. A series of specialised weapons will also be introduced including the Gatekeeper Shotgun, the Harbinger SMG, Huntress DMR, and the Warforged Assault Rifle. Normal versions of these weapons can be found across the island, while mythic versions can be earned by defeating Greek Gods like Zeus, Ares and Hades.

There’s also the Thunderbolt Of Zeus, allowing players to rise into the air and hurl lightning bolts at your target, while the Wings Of Icarus will give players the power of flight, allowing them to soar through the skies and divebomb their foes. Another power – Chains Of Hades – will be introduced as part of a future update.

A Myths & Mortals battle pass will also be available for 950 v-bucks, giving players the opportunity to earn 1500 v-bucks back for completing it. Rewards include the Cerberus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Medusa, Zeus, Artemis and Hades skins, and can be obtained up until May 24.

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As part of Fortnite’s Chapter 5 Season 2 update, competitive ranks have been reset to zero for all players, with a number of new tournaments available to compete in including the FNCS Major 2, Ranked Cups, Mix-Up Mondays and the Duos Cash Cups. Dates and ranking information can be found here.

Myths & Mortals was meant to launch this morning but last-minute issues caused planned downtime to be extended by at least eight hours and the update delayed.

Looking ahead, some players are also expecting a future update to bring a new series of Jujutsu Kaisen skins to Fortnite as part of a dedicated event.

In other news, the latest update for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has accidentally given players access to developer tools and revealed potential future content.
