Microsoft’s Bing Image Creator creator has been around since March, using “AI” technology to generate images based on whatever the user types. You never know where this sort of thing might lead, though, and in recent weeks users have been using the tool to create images of Kirby and other popular characters flying planes into skyscrapers. Microsoft doesn’t want you digitally recreating the September 11 attacks, but because AI tools are impossible to control, it seems unlikely it can stop users who really want to see SpongeBob committing acts of simulated terrorism.

Over the last two years or so, AI-generated images—sometimes referred to “AI art,” which it isn’t, as only humans make art—have become more and more popular. You’ve likely seen AI-generated text and images popping up more and more across the web. And while some try to fight the onslaught, companies like Microsoft and Google are doing the opposite, pouring time and money into the technology in a race to capitalize on the craze and please their investors. One example is Microsoft’s Bing AI Image Creator. And as with all the other AI tools out there, its creators can’t really control what people make with it.

As reported by 404 Media, people have figured out ways to use the Bing AI image generator to create images of famous characters, like Nintendo’s own Kirby, recreating the terrorist attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. This is happening even though Microsoft’s AI image generator has a long list of banned words and phrases, including “9/11,” “Twin Towers,” and “terrorism.” The problem is that AI tools and their filters are usually easy to evade or work around.

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In this case, all you have to do to get Kirby the terrorist is input something like “Kirby sitting in the cockpit of a plane, flying toward two tall skyscrapers in New York City.” Then Microsoft’s AI tool will (assuming the servers aren’t overloaded, or Microsoft doesn’t block this specific prompt in the future) create an image of Nintendo’s popular character Kirby flying a plane toward what appears to be the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

A Microsoft spokesperson commented to Kotaku:

We have large teams working on the development of tools, techniques and safety systems that are aligned with our responsible AI principles. As with any new technology, some are trying to use it in ways that was not intended, which is why we are implementing a range of guardrails and filters to make Bing Image Creator a positive and helpful experience for users. We will continue to improve our systems to help prevent the creation of harmful content and will remain focused on creating a safer environment for customers.

Kotaku reached out to Nintendo for comment about the AI-generated images.

To be clear, the AI-generated images Bing users are obtaining from Bing using these kinds of filter workarounds aren’t actually 9/11 related, it’s just Kirby in a plane flying toward generic AI-hallucinated skyscrapers. But unlike AI, humans can understand the context of these images and fill in the blanks, so to speak. The shitposting vibes come through loud and clear to real people even as the “AI” is oblivious.

Uncontrollable AI is the next moderation nightmare

And that’s the problem: AI tools don’t think. They don’t understand what is being made, why it’s being made, who is making it, and for what reasons. And it will never be able to do that, no matter how much of the internet the technology scrapes or how much actual human-made artwork it steals. So humans will always be able to figure out ways to generate results that the people running these AI tools don’t want created. I can’t imagine Microsoft is happy about this. I can’t imagine Nintendo is, either.

This isn’t some random fan making shitty images of Mario in Photoshop for a few laughs on Reddit. This is Microsoft, one of the largest companies in the world, effectively giving anyone the tools to quickly create art featuring Mickey Mouse, Kirby, and other highly protected intellectual property icons committing acts of crime or terrorism.

And while we’re still in the early days of AI-generated content, I expect lawyers at many big corporations are gearing up for court fights over what’s happening now with their brands and IPs.

None of this is new, really. For as long as technology has been giving people the ability to upload and create online content, moderation has been needed. And if history is any indicator, we will continue to see AI-generated facsimiles of Mario and Kirby doing terrible things for a long time to come, as humans are very good at outsmarting or circumventing AI tools, filters, and rules.

Update 10/04/2023 4:05 p.m. ET: Added comment from Microsoft.


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