Concerns about travel to Jordan and neighboring countries have increased since the Hamas attacks in southern Israel became increasingly violent and led to conflict.

Jordan borders both Israel and Syria to the north. Tourists who have already booked a trip there might therefore ask themselves whether it makes sense to visit the country during the war.

In addition to all the important questions and answers, you will also find the latest travel advice for Jordan on this page.

What do authorities say about visiting Jordan right now?

The authorities said in a statement: “In light of the recent developments in Gaza, we want to emphasize that Jordan continues to be a safe and welcoming destination for tourists from around the world.”

“Our commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all visitors remains unwavering. We want to reassure everyone that Jordan’s borders are open to tourists, and we are eager to share our extraordinary experiences with the world.”

jordan israel war map

The U.S. State Department hasn’t updated its travel advisory since the Israel war started. The U.S. ranks Jordan at level 2: Exercise Increased Caution.” So far it says: 

Do not travel to:

  • Steer clear of traveling within a 3.5 km radius of the Jordanian border with Syria and the area east of the city of Ruwayshid, extending toward the border with Iraq due to terrorism and armed conflict concerns.
  • Avoid visiting the specific Syrian refugee camps in Jordan because of immigration restrictions imposed by the Jordanian government.
  • For your safety, refrain from visiting Zarqa, Rusayfah, and the Baqa’a district of Ayn Basha due to the presence of terrorism and high levels of crime.
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Reconsider travel to:

  • Because of concerns related to terrorism and criminal activity, certain areas within Ma’an City and specific parts of Ma’an Governorate should be avoided.

Is It Safe To Travel To Jordan Right Now? Latest Travel Advisories

Except in cases of necessity, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) warns against traveling to:

  • 3km (1.8 miles) from Jordan’s Syrian border. See Border areas

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs) have the potential to abruptly close their international borders on land and in the air. The border crossings between Israel and the West Bank and between Jordan and Israel could therefore be suddenly closed.

The Foreign Office (FCDO) updated its advice on Tuesday and clarified its position on travel to Jordan as follows: “The FCDO advises against all but essential travel to within 3km of Jordan’s border with Syria.”

Exercise a high degree of caution in Jordan due to the threat of terrorism, civil unrest, and demonstrations.

Regional risks: Avoid all travel

Border with Syria: 

Due to incidents related to the Syrian crisis, you should avoid traveling to places within 5 km of the Syrian border, with the exception of the popular tourist destination Umm Qais.

Border with Iraq: 

Due to incidents connected to the conflict in this country, you should avoid traveling to any locations within five kilometers of the Iraqi border.

Northeastern Jordan, east of Ruwaished

Steer clear of any journey east of Ruwaished, in northeastern Jordan, as there are military activities and no emergency facilities in the area.

Safety precautions when traveling in Jordan

  • Be aware that Jordanian laws differ from those in Western countries in several respects, including regulations concerning premarital sex, photography near embassies, military or security facilities, and religious activities. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these laws before your trip and seek professional guidance on local legal matters. Failure to comply with local laws may result in travel restrictions until issues are resolved.
  • The possession and use of illegal drugs should be strictly avoided. Drug-related offenses can lead to severe penalties, including life imprisonment, even for small quantities. Certain serious crimes, such as terrorism, murder, treason, and the rape of a minor, may carry the death penalty. Other offenses, such as causing personal injury or property damage, may result in forced labor sentences.
  • Women should be cautious, as verbal, sexual, and physical harassment or assault may occur. It is advisable not to initiate eye contact or engage in conversations with unfamiliar men, and walking or traveling alone, especially after dark, should be avoided. When using taxis, always opt for the back seat.
  • Show respect for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan by refraining from eating, drinking, and smoking in public during daylight hours.
  • Local customs in Jordan are conservative. Public displays of affection among couples are considered inappropriate, as are unmarried couples residing together or sharing accommodations. Same-sex relations are not socially accepted, and it’s important to obtain consent before taking photographs of individuals.
  • If you hold dual nationality, Jordanian authorities may consider you a Jordanian citizen. Men between the ages of 18 and 40 may be required to register for military service, although completion is not mandatory. Failure to register may result in travel restrictions imposed by authorities.
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