Dominica has a low crime rate, but if you venture off the main roads by yourself, especially after dark, you run the risk of getting attacked.

Confirm that your lodging is safe and that your valuables and documents are stored in a secure location. The same holds true if you are vacationing on a boat.


On January 11, 2024: Dominica demonstrated remarkable success in maintaining public safety, recording no murders in the first week of 2024, and only 14 homicides in 2023. This achievement highlights the effectiveness of the island’s crime prevention strategies and the efficiency of its police force, which solved half of the previous year’s cases. Unlike many Caribbean nations grappling with higher crime rates, Dominica’s efforts in ensuring safety and security for both residents and visitors alike set a commendable standard.

Areas to avoid

best beaches in dominica to explore

The capital, Roseau, is a generally safe place to visit. It does, however, have some crimes that visitors should be aware of. It’s crucial to always be aware of your possessions because petty theft, including pickpocketing and bag snatching, can happen in busy places. For added safety, stick to well-lit, populated areas and avoid walking alone late at night.

Despite this, most travelers will find Dominica to be a friendly and secure Caribbean destination in general.

Common Scams

In general, there is little chance of becoming a victim of a scam in Dominica. 

Scams can be avoided if you exercise common sense and make an effort to limit your alcohol consumption.

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Official Travel Advisories

dominica island

U.S. Travel Advisory – Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions

To be safer in Dominica, just sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) so that alerts can be sent to you when something happens. Additionally, it will be less challenging to find you in an emergency. 

Canada Travel Advisory

There is petty crime, like pickpocketing, purse snatching, and car theft.

There have been violent assaults and robberies close to tourist attractions.

Annual celebrations like the World Creole Music Festival in October and Carnival in February and March usually increase crime.

Women who travel alone may experience verbal abuse and other forms of harassment. There have been instances of sexual assault.

Safety Tips for Dominica

 To stay safe in Dominica, just follow these simple safety tips: 

  • Refrain from carrying substantial sums of cash.
  • Avoid wearing valuable jewelry.
  • Steer clear of unpatrolled beaches and secluded areas, particularly after nightfall.
  • Carry a photocopy of the identification page of your passport.
  • Make sure your belongings, including your passport and other travel documents, are kept secure at all times.

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