The X interaction count leaving the timeline page will be one of the many changes to the platform in the past few months. Ever since Elon Musk took over control of Twitter, he has effected a ton of changes to the platform. Some of these changes most users were happy about, while others didn’t sit well with the majority.

Now the billionaire is making plans to remove the interaction count from the timeline. In his words, he referred to this counter as “superfluous” and said it’s time that it takes the exit door. Over the years, the interaction count has been part of Twitter now known as X as it gives users a clear idea of a tweet’s or post’s performance.

While scrolling through their timeline, users can easily spot how many likes, retweets reposts, and comments a post has. From this data, they can tell how well the post is doing as well as its reach. In more recent times, Elon Musk added a view count and it seems like he has no plans of removing this feature.

Elon Musk is preparing to bring an end to the interaction count feature on X

Many might argue that since Elon’s taking over control of Twitter, he has done everything in his power to make the platform suit his taste. This is evident in some changes the platform has seen in the past few months. Now another change is coming and it will bring the axe to the interaction count’s doorstep.

Well the change won’t remove the interaction counts entirely, but it will hide it within the post. If users wish to see this counter, then they will need to expand the post or tap on it. This will pull up the comments under the post as well as the interaction counter.

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So Elon plans to take the interaction counter away from the timeline and limit access to it to expand the post. To Elon Musk as well as the X team, this will brush up the timeline, making it a bit clutter-free. However, Elon and his team also have plans to leave the view counter on the timeline to give users an idea of how many people the post got to.

Since the interaction count and the view count data complement each other, some users might not see the need to remove one from the timeline. Elon’s claim that removing these counts from the timeline will increase readability seems to some users like a valid point. The post where Elon announced this coming change is locked under subscription.

In the coming weeks, this change might start making its way to users on X platforms. They will no longer be able to tell how many likes, reposts, or comments a post has without opening the entire post. What do you think about this coming change, is it useful or is it just a gimmick?

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