Samsung’s mega huge Odyssey Neo G9 57 gaming monitor is now available for pre-order. This is the same monitor that Samsung showed off during CES and then more recently announced the pricing for. When it was first revealed, Samsung only showed off a picture of the monitor alongside some specs. But no price tag or availability timing.

We learned the official price back at the end of August and unsurprisingly it’s fairly expensive. Coming in at $2,499 it’s not Samsung’s most expensive gaming monitor but it sure is up there. Thankfully Samsung is throwing in a pretty special deal for those that pre-order. A $500 credit that can be used on This can be redeemed immediately if you so choose. Or Samsung lets you save it for another purchase down the road. You don’t have long to spend it though as it will expire after November 30 of this year. There’s also one rather large caveat.

You can’t use the $500 for the pre-order price of the Odyssey Neo G9 57

Samsung’s wording makes it sound a little like you can, but you can’t. You can use it immediately in the same purchase order of the monitor. You just can’t use it to lessen the price of the monitor.

To use it immediately, you would need to throw in other stuff with your order. Say a new SSD to go with the new monitor so your games load faster. Or really any other product Samsung sells on its website. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you defer the $500 credit, it can take up to 35 days to get it emailed out to you at the email associated with your Samsung account. So at worst you get the credit code about 30 days before it expires. Depending on when you place the pre-order.

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Speaking of which, if you want the credit, you have to place the pre-order for the Odyssey Neo G9 57 by October 1. There’s not a lot of wiggle room there. But if you fancy saving $500 on something else from Samsung that you wanted, now’s the time to take advantage.

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