RHOA Recap: Drew Reveals Reason for Divorce as Ralph Accuses Her of Acting and She Awkwardly Sings a Breakup Song to Him, Plus Kandi Tells Marlo She’s Jealous of Her Life, and Kenya Shares Adoption Plan

Let’s finally finish up the Real Housewives of Atlanta’s tortuous season. Can Ralph explain his blow jobs around the world? Will Drew finally stop Ralph from gaslighting her and be able to share her story? Grab a HUGE A*S glass of wine, and let’s watch!

Drew is still going head-to-head with Cousin Courtney— with the dress that looks like she is the sea witch with sea foam tentacles growing on her swollen boobs. She believes Ralph coached her on the effectiveness of Gaslighting. Drew is furious that she is suggesting that the adoption of Josiah was for her financial stability with her lover. Courtney, who speaks like she has inhaled helium and is clearly milking her 15 minutes of fame, holds her ground. She may know some truths about their marriage, but she loses credibility with this close-cousin nonsense. I am with Drew: Cousin Courtney needs to lean off the vodka.

Courtney mentions Ralph wanted to file for divorce after Portugal. Kenya even interjects how evil Courtney is— since that peach knows some evil. Kandi admits she believes the cheating rumors and sticks to her guns even though Drew continues to deny it. She claims Drew said Ty would be her girl crush. Sorry, Drew’s peach may have gotten busted!

Sheree tells Andy that she had some intel dropped off at the chateau. She acts like she wants no part of this but is willing to bring them to the Reunion. Andy looks at these “receipts” and thinks they may be a little “incriminating.” Drew plays it calm and cool, and she will only acknowledge that they are just friendly texts. She is either a good actress, or she is truly innocent of this allegation.

Drew thinks this is nothing since her DM’s are really popping. She then spills that Ralph has beat the IRS, and boy is she opening a HUGE can of worms with this one since they were MARRIED. Drew needs to talk to Teresa Giudice when she throws this comment out on national television. Andy breaks the tension and gives kudos to Monyetta for having an orphanage for 11 years. Thank God Courtney has been sent away.

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The ladies break for lunch and Sheree and Marlo are chatting backstage about Kandi, of course. Courtney talks to Ralph backstage and acts like she is a loyal soldier. Allison is back there, and they get into it over calling Drew a b*tch. She tells Ralph Drew is a compulsive liar and has been disrespecting him.

Andy talks about the group and their sex positivity.  Kenya and her ability to eat a*s is mentioned again and I could go for many years without hearing that again. Kandi is saying thank you to everyone she gave orgasms to. She says the freakiest thing she has ever done—a foursome which is rather tame for her.

Sanya shares her story about her miscarriage and informs us the extended family has moved out. She was prepared to have a D&C when she was told the baby was not viable. Sanya was not prepared to have the miscarriage happen when she was in a cab in NYC in February. She clearly suffered a devasting blow while she was alone, but she feels blessed since she was able to get pregnant again. Sanya shares that she told Marlo since they seem to be rather close. She is disappointed in Kenya because she dismissed her after her miscarriage. Kenya says she called her and denies she did not reach out. She believes that Sanya is biased because of her relationship with Marlo.

Kenya has decided to adopt a baby girl. She wants to adopt a 3- to 4-year-old. Sanya shades Kenya on not being her true friend off camera. Kandi gets called out on not being present this season by a viewer. Sheree says the seasons with Kandi that have been lackluster she always gets asked back. Kandi will be producing the Wiz in 2024 and she needs to focus on that since she is trying to win a Tony to complete her EGOT. Side Note: Marlo is now saying she is considering having children with Scotley if he can fully support her so she can get rid of her old dudes.

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Marlo and Kandi are questioned on their tumultuous season. She calls Kandi out again for not supporting her when her nephew was killed—two years ago. Kandi does not acknowledge that she did anything wrong. She would have liked support when she had the shootings at her restaurant. Kandi calls Marlo and Sheree jealous of her success and I think she nailed it with that assertion.

Ralph is the only hubby coming out to discuss the Pittman’s crazy situation. Drew clearly does not want to answer any questions, but she is on a reality show, and she shadily gives Ralph a peach. Ralph declares he loves his wife, and he wants his children to have a correct representation of a father. The children do not know they are separating. Drew says she protected Ralph through his infidelities. Andy asks Ralph if he was faithful, and he claims to be. Dr. Ken was blocked by Ralph, and he was in cahoots with Mimi Faust (From Love and Hip Hop:Atlanta) who was previously in a relationship with Ty Young.

Ralph lets Drew know that her own assistant Danny told him about the affair with Ty. Drew calls this allegation a lie. She cannot believe during filming The Pass that her assistant spilled such salacious tea. Drew calls Ralph “the streets” and refuses to believe Danny would have said these things even though Marlo and Kandi admit they heard it as well.  Drew then whips out her phone to show Andy a photo of a woman with a big a*s who wants Ralph’s d*ck to return. Ralph dismisses it as a catfish picture.

Drew says, “I’ve had three years on this platform of embarrassment.” Ralph also denies that he did anything but work at an IT event in Vegas. Kandi, in unseen footage, called the Producer of Chocolate Magic Mike and found out that Ralph was going to audition. Kenya thinks he should wait until BravoCon, and it will sell out. Andy asks if there was any truth to the story with the lady “who rubbed you down.” Ralph smoothly glides past that question just like the lube he was rubbed down with. Andy is really intrigued by the blow jobs around the world comment and wants to book that excursion. Ralph claims he did not want to adopt Josiah since he has a dad and did not want to interfere in their relationship.

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Andy asks both if they still have love for each other or any hope for reconciliation. Ralph thinks what he feels is love for Drew but is it more love for control? Drew does not feel Ralph gives her a safe space for feelings since he loves to say “F*ck your feelings.” She talks about Ralph alienating her family for obvious control. Drew finally cannot take it anymore and leaves the stage crying. Side Note: I have watched a lot of Reunions and I have never seen such a pitiful scene when Drew broke down.

Kenya and Andy confront Ralph on his treatment of Drew. She can see a lot of similarities between this a*s clown and Marc. Sanya goes to Drew backstage and tries to get her to come back and finish her segment. Ralph shadily tells Kenya she cannot relate to his situation since she was only married for two years. Kenya disagrees with Ralph and tells him to stop discounting Drew’s feelings.

Drew will sing her song to everyone— including Ralph. How awkward is this? Drew is singing a song to Ralph that is appropriate for the situation they are in. The lyrics talk about throwing us away. Ralph calls Drew an incredible talent. Andy congratulates Drew on her breakup song. Sheree wants to end on a healing note, and she wants them to keep fighting for a sisterhood. Toast to health and healing and to rebooting RHOA!

Thank you Blurbers for hanging in with me tonight for this final episode. I got my second wind to watch this after my Miami Dolphins won their season opener. See you all in Salt Lake City tomorrow night!


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