Did you know that June is “Beautiful In Your Skin” month?

According to “National Today,” the month was formed “to encourage people to love their skin and convince them to invest in a proper skincare regime.”

What’s not to love about this idea? We’ve got some fun ideas to help you celebrate below.

Why Beautiful In Your Skin Is Important

Here at CV Skinlabs, we’ve always advocated for feeling beautiful in your skin, no matter your skin type. We believe healthy skin is beautiful skin, which is why we provide nourishing skin care products to help you improve the health of your skin.

It makes sense because we’re a skincare company. But that’s not the only reason. We are also a holistic health and wellness company. We know that when you feel beautiful in your skin, it creates many benefits in your life that go beyond your skin.

For instance, we know that having a healthy skincare routine and regularly taking care of your skin can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

In a OnePoll survey of 2,000 American women 35 and older, nearly three-quarters of respondents stated that their confidence was impacted by the way their skin looked. More than half said their skin insecurities prompted them to cover up their bodies.

In another survey of 2,000 women 30 and older, the average woman stated she only likes what she sees 39 percent of the time. Participants were most self-conscious about their skin (46 percent), followed by their teeth and hair.

Rachel Boehm, integrated well-being coach, calls it “skin-esteem.” Skin affects our mental well-being, she writes, “and our mental well-being affects our skin.”

She notes a May 2021 survey by Mederma in which 3 in 5 respondents agreed that skin had a big impact on their self-confidence and mental health, while one-third said they would give up their smartphone for a year if it meant they could have picture-perfect skin.

Beautiful Skin

Beautiful In Your Skin: The Many Benefits of Healthy Skin Care

Another reason having a special month for skin care is important is that it helps to raise awareness regarding skin care.

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We know more today about how the skin affects our overall health and vice versa than we ever have before. The connection between the mind, body, and skin is stronger and more interactive than even scientists used to believe.

The National Institutes of Health notes that the skin protects the body in many ways, preventing invasion by bacteria, helping to control body temperature, turning sunlight into vitamin D, and alerting you to potential health problems.

They add that friendly microscopic organisms on the skin may help boost the body’s infection-fighting immune system to keep you healthy.

Taking care of your skin, then, provides multiple benefits.

  • Helps heal compromised skin, reducing dryness, dullness, fine lines, and wrinkles
  • Increases confidence and self-esteem
  • Boosts immune function
  • Reduces the risk of illness
  • Provides a window into your overall health

Beyond that, studies suggest that a quality skincare regimen can have a positive effect on quality of life. Those who engaged in regular skin care showed improvements in well-being, self-image, and self-competence.

5 Ways to Celebrate Beautiful In Your Skin Month

We’d love to have you celebrate this unique month with us! Try these fun ideas.

1. Go for a Facial

Why not take advantage of this special month to pamper yourself a little? Book a facial at your favorite salon, or do it yourself at home. If you’re going for a professional facial, be sure to tell the technician about any sensitivities you may have.

For a DIY facial, follow these tips:

  • Set the mood: Play some relaxing music, light some candles, and make it special!
  • Cleanse: Use a gentle cleanser to thoroughly clean your face, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Steam: Steam helps open your pores and loosen up dead skin cells on the surface. Boil water, place it in a heat-safe bowl, then drape a towel over your head and the bowl, allowing the steam to bathe your skin for about five minutes.
  • Exfoliate: Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or even a skin brush to further loosen up and slough off those dead skin cells.
  • Mask: Choose a moisturizing or oil-reducing mask, according to what your skin needs that day. Apply, sit back, and relax for about 15 minutes. (Note: Our Calming Moisture works well as a mask if your skin is inflamed, irritated, and dry.)
  • Moisturize and massage: Rinse the mask off, then apply your favorite moisturizer and massage it into the skin. We recommend our Calming Moisture, as it helps tame inflammation and redness while deeply moisturizing and hydrating the skin. It also leaves your skin looking youthful and radiant.
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Beautiful in Your Skin Calming Moisture 1

2. Organize a Get-Together

If you’d prefer to socialize while pampering your skin, consider organizing a get-together. Get your friends together, have some tea or wine and maybe some healthy snacks, and share your favorite skincare products. Bring along some for others to try out if you like, and allow everyone to walk away feeling nourished and confident.

3. Update Your Skin Care

If you’ve been using the same skincare products for five years or more, it may be time to revisit your routine.

Most likely, your skin has changed a little bit. It may be drier than it was before, or more sensitive. Are your products still serving you? Does your skin feel comfortable?

Lay all your products out on the counter and examine them one by one. Ask yourself if you’re getting your money’s worth from that product, or if it’s time to replace it with something else. Consider what your skin needs most now, and address those issues with new products if you need to.

4. Write Down What You Like About Your Skin

This one may be challenging for you, but it can help you focus on the positive aspects of your skin rather than the negative ones. We’re all great at finding and picking on our flaws. That may be helpful if you follow it up with action to address those flaws, but it can also hurt your confidence.

Consider what’s going well with your skin. Writing it down can help you feel more positive about your appearance while making it easier to address any issues that you’re noticing as you get older.

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When addressing issues, remember this: Focus on nourishing, taking care of, and loving your skin. This approach helps you enjoy the process of fostering a healthier complexion.

5. Use Beautiful In Your Skin Month to Develop a Healthy Skin Care Routine

The goal of Beautiful in Your Skin Month is to encourage everyone to love their skin and develop a health-promoting skincare routine.

If you have certain things you want to address in your skin—and who doesn’t?—consider using this month (and part of the next) to set up your own 30-day challenge.

Follow these steps to map out the changes you will make, then take before and after pictures to track your results.

  1. Write down the top two flaws about your skin that are bugging you right now. (No more than two!)
  2. Write down how you want to address them. Will you purchase new products? Apply them more often? Change up the order of your products?
  3. Mark on the calendar when the challenge starts and when it will end.
  4. Take a picture sans makeup for your “before” shot.
  5. Follow your skin care plan for the next 30 days. Try not to miss any days!
  6. When the 30 days are up, take another picture, sans makeup, for your “after” shot.

Once the 30 days are up, record your observations. Does your skin look better, worse, or about the same? Did you end up using new products and if so, did you like them? Do you feel they had a good effect on your skin?

Then, based on what you discovered, you may want to change your routine again for the next 30 days. The goal is to make changes that will have a direct impact on the health and appearance of your skin. Plus, it’s fun!

Will you celebrate beautiful in your skin month?

Featured image by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels.

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