If you play Diablo IV and are anywhere near end-game content, then you know character storage is an issue. It’s one of the bigger problems in Diablo IV. While not game breaking, it certainly leaves a lot to be desired. As once you get towards end-game, the storage for all the stuff you’ve acquired fills up quickly.

At first glance it seems like you might have plenty of space. Your stash chest does come with four pages after all, if you upgrade the stash with increasingly large amounts of gold. But each page only has 50 item slots. And believe you me, that goes by fast. As you progress through the game, you’ll find more things to keep. Though some items end up taking up more space than others. Gems, aspects, potions, and ancestral sigils claim the most space for me personally.

This will no doubt become a headache for some players. But there is good news. Blizzard is working on a solution for character storage in Diablo IV. It’s just going to take a little while to sort things out.

Diablo IV developers say the character storage fix is challenging technically

While storage may be an issue for you now, your comments on it are being heard. During the most recent developer livestream on July 6, associate game director Joe Piepiora addressed player concerns over storage space.

Stating that “We are talking a lot about what we need to do with this. We’ve got good plans of things we can do to improve the situation.” Also noting that the team was working “really, really quickly” to get things done. The problem with this change is that it’s challenging technically according to Piepiora and others on the dev team. It’s an issue that goes beyond the implementation. As the team needs to make sure the feature change is also tested and that it’s stable enough to roll out to players in the live game.

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In addition to storage space, the livestream included lots of information about the upcoming season 1 content. If you didn’t get a chance to catch the livestream last Friday, you can watch it in the video below.

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