Larian Studios confirmed that more than 1,000 “fixes and tweaks” are on the agenda for Baldur’s Gate 3 ahead of the launch of the PlayStation 5 port.

The team has had their noses to the grindstone resolving the range of technical bugs with the role-playing game in a series of hotfixes.

From “Exorcist“-esque eye rolling in characters to missing underwear for male gnome sorcerers, players have been vital for the identification and eradication of these issues in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Now, Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke has stated that the developer’s focus is segmented into a three pronged trajectory. Hotfix 4 is the current task though there was no specific time that players will expect it to arrive.

Then, Baldur’s Gate 3‘s first patch will address over 1,000 points for improvement. As such, asks from fans like a different ending for a certain character or the ability to rename bags and pouches will be lower down on the list of priorities.

Lastly, the second patch will roll out. This “already [incorporates] some requests” according to Vincke. One of these is likely to be the community’s request for a feature that allows them to change their character’s appearance on the go.

In NME‘s five-star review of Baldur’s Gate 3, praise was awarded to the game’s myriad of reactions to player choices as well as the characterisation of the companions that come along for the ride.

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“It’s phenomenally executed – largely because your foes can pull the same dirty tricks you can – and the result is one of the most dynamic turn-based battle formulas ever created,” said Andy Brown.

In other news, a player shared their almost infallible strategy to taking out bosses in Baldur’s Gate 3 – dropping a giant Owlbear on top of them from a great height. Check it out here.
