For the past few weeks, Reddit user and Baldur’s Gate 3 player u/caufenkamp has been using the BG3 sub to catalogue their guilty pleasure: genociding NPCs. They hit a new milestone on August 26, having murdered and left to rot 583 NPCs from the D&D role-playing game’s Act 1 and Act 2.

Blame it, at least partially, on the Dark Urge, an opaque origin story that inflicts your character with sadistic thoughts, many of which players feel a dark urge to execute.

While some Dark Urge prompts, which appear during dialogue options, can be suppressed or ignored, other roads are paved in blood no matter what. Though, none of those inescapable Dark Urge paths wind toward an NPC mass murder event. That was something caufenkamp, who plays a Dark Urge character anyway, discovered a knack for all on their own.

Screenshot: Reddit / caufenkamp / Larian Studios / Kotaku

To add more Law & Order spice to the situation, and with help from a carry weight mod, caufenkamp has also been dragging to and systematically categorizing their dead NPCs in a camp site, keeping the corpses accounted for by assigning them to a teddy bear container. They “[j]ust always thought it would be cool to see a visualization of all those you fight in a game,” they said on their first BG3 genocide post, originally spotted by Dexerto.

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“Jeffrey Dahmer simulator,” observed someone in a popular comment.

By August 26, caufenkamp’s murder pile reached extraordinary new heights. You can barely even tell they took the time to sort the NPCs by type, like goblin, because many lifeless bodies overlap each other like flesh pasta.

“Kind of messy,” caufenkamp said about the assortment on Reddit. “Still lose some corpses, monsters, and animals randomly,” but they let them go—“I’m not necessarily going out of my way to murder people,” they continued.

Tell it to the judge. In any case, this serial killer seems destined for performance jail. Caufenkamp’s most recent Reddit update indicates their skeleton closet is causing “some performance problems outside of the camp map” as they work their way through Act 3.


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