Bali’s acting governor, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya, reminded visitors that the island has a list of do’s and don’ts that must be followed by all tourists.

This declaration was prompted by a worrisome increase in misbehaviors and illegal acts carried out by international tourists over the last few weeks.

“As hosts, we are open to foreigners. But we also hope that tourists who come to Bali respect our customs and culture,” said Sang Made Monday.

On Sunday, a drunk British tourist by the name of Damon Anthony Alexander Hills, 50, decided to hijack a truck and break into the international terminal of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, damaging a number of facilities, including the entry portal and some barrier pillars. Hills is now facing up to nine years in prison.

On June 6, a Spanish-Colombian couple was arrested for refusing to pay their bills after spending 20 days at a local hotel in the Ungasan area because they ran out of cash, they said. The couple is currently being held at Denpasar Immigration Detention Center and will be soon deported.

In 2023, 340 foreigners were deported from Bali due to different crimes. So far this year, the government has had to deport 142 foreigners for the same reasons, with more in the process of being expelled from the country. 

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Other criminal acts reported in the last few days include foreigners sitting on sacred places, traffic rule violations, and people working without the visa required to engage in working or commercial activities.

The acting governor and some tourism leaders are calling on all tourists to make active efforts to respect the Balinese culture and follow its rules.

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Sang Made reminded tourists about the list of do’s and don’ts issued last year.

The list “must continue to be socialized because humans forget a lot. We must continue to be reminded, through friends at the Tourism Service, Tourism Satpol PP and all parties.”

Here are some key things you are and are not allowed to do while on the Island of Gods.

Do’s – You must 

  • Respect sacred temples and all other religious symbols on the island. 
  • Respect the Balinese culture, customs, traditions and art.
  • Dress modestly, especially when visiting holy or public places.
  • Possess a valid international driving license and comply with all Indonesian traffic laws, including the use of a helmet.
  • Rent vehicles at authorized businesses only.
  • Be respectful at all times and to all people, especially to authorities.
  • Exchange foreign currency at an authorized money changer (KUPVA) only.
  • Pay for goods, services, and experiences in Indonesian rupiah. 
  • Stay at legally established accommodations only.

Don’ts – You must not

  • Enter holy spaces within sacred temples with a purpose different than praying. When doing so, traditional Balinese clothes must be worn.
  • Touch or climb sacred trees. 
  • Use impolite words, impolite behavior, make noise or disrespect authorities, local people or other visitors in person or through social media platforms.
  • Pollute water bodies, including lakes, springs, rivers, and the sea.
  • Use single-use plastics such as plastic bags or straws.
  • Engage in illegal activities such as trafficking flora and fauna, cultural or sacred items or illegal drugs.
  • Work or engage in business activities without legal permits.
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In summary, respect authorities, the local culture and the laws, and use common sense.

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