Handbag trends may come and go, but investing in a designer handbag is always a smart choice. Sure, they may come with a steep price tag, but they also promise years—even decades!—of wear due to their exceptional craftsmanship and quality. Plus, Dior’s classic designs outlast any buzzy seasonal bag trend, guaranteeing much more bang for your buck than any micro mini bag or cloud clutch.
While there are plenty of heritage bag brands to choose from, today’s most fashionable can’t seem to get enough of Dior. From the classic Saddle Bag to newer designs like the Book Tote or Bobby Bag, it’s impossible not to find yourself amongst a sea of Dior logos and the brand’s signature Cannage stitching outside of any runway show or event.
Ahead, check out the best Dior bags that are totally worth the splurge, and shop the latest colorways and sizes that are guaranteed to stand the test of time.
This post was originally published at an earlier date and has since been updated.