October makes you wait 31 days for its pinnacle, Halloween, the day where some optimistically declare that you can embody whoever you want or, more commonly, you can get really drunk on suspicious punch. Perhaps the day has lost a little of its magic in the years since we could experience it as children. Double Fine’s trick-or-treat role-playing game Costume Quest honors the holiday’s dual-sided sword with sweet, big-headed kids you help collect costumes and fight monsters that answer the door.

The game’s imaginative embrace of the 31st sees your young protagonists not just dressed in makeshift costumes as knights, robots, and other alter egos, but actually becoming them when combat ensues. It’s funny and delightful, perfectly capturing the joy many of us once felt when we first took to the streets as a princess or a karate master, going door to door asking for candy and feeling a little less constrained by the bounds of reality and identity.

Play it on: PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox Cloud Gaming, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android

What games are you most looking forward to playing this October?

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