PUBG Mobile has had its fair share of collaborations, but the Dragon Ball Super collab has been one that seems to have a fair level of significance for the team. Speaking to TechRadar Gaming, the head of PUBG Mobile publishing at Tencent Games Vincent Wang describes why the collaboration is a good fit. And why he thinks it’s set apart from past collaborations with other popular franchises. The Dragon Ball Super collaboration launched on July 11 with the game’s 2.7 update.

“We believe we’re giving PUBG Mobile fans something special here, regardless of collaborations they’ve done with other games,” says Wang. He’s specifically referring to the Dragon Ball Super game mode within PUBG Mobile. Where players can take up the mantle as Sanhok, Erangel, and Livik while attempting to collect every single Dragon Ball around the map. Even the map has a stylistic set of visuals that mimic the Dragon Ball Super art style. It’s a different kind of mode that goes beyond just letting players equip character skins.

And one that, in addition to the collaboration as a whole, Wang hopes players are still enjoying. And if they prefer the regular game modes, well, those are still available to play. Wang says players aren’t forced to engage with the collaboration mode. Although he does feel like it’s worth checking out.

PUBG Mobile holds similar values to iconic Dragon Ball Super characters

The collaboration is a neat draw for players. But it has great importance for the PUBG Mobile team and the game as a whole, too. Wang says that PUBG Mobile has similar values to the characters of the Dragon Ball Super franchise. Stating that they both share “courage and tenacity.”

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Wang and the rest of the PUBG Mobile team wanted to share these values with players. Noting that he hopes they “inspire them to fight and survive until the end.” Of course, fighting and surviving till the end of a match is the cornerstone of PUBG Mobile. As a battle royale game, every player’s main goal is to be the last player standing. And like the characters of Dragon Ball Super, who constantly have to face off against overwhelming odds and powerful foes, the aim is to survive. Fighting to be the single remaining player and achieve victory.

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