Is there anything worse than battling through the crowds to get a seat for a jam-packed bus or subway ride to work? It can be hell on earth on rainy days, and incredibly sweaty on hot ones.

For most of us, it’s a period of time where we spend our time scrolling through social media and catching up on podcasts, but actually there’s so much more you can do with your Android phone on your commute, and it can be incredibly productive too.

Of course, you may be perfectly happy switching your brain off and working your way through Instagram, and that’s fine. But if you’re looking to be a little more productive, creative or engaged on your commute, here are the apps you should be downloading…

Microsoft Office/Google Docs

While you’re not paid to commute, you may be thinking about work on your way in, so why not do rather than think, and just get a bit of a headstart.

If you work predominantly online, there’s no reason why you can’t download your tools in app form and kick on with a bit of work, even if it’s just making notes for the day ahead.

You can download Microsoft Office and Google apps to your smartphone, allowing you to collaborate and open up files while on the go and free up a bit more time when you finally make it into work.

Casino Games

More and more people are playing online casino games on their phone these days and they are particularly popular for commuters. While it’s gambling, and you do need to be of legal age and careful, playing games such as blackjack and poker can get your brain working and thinking in a strategic way, which is a mentality perfect for arriving into the office for.

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News Apps

The newspaper was once the commuters favourite companion. Today, people tend to get their news from social media, which can be a bit of an echo chamber, so the most efficient way to see what’s going on in the world is to download a news app such as Bloomberg, BBC or your local news app.

Often you can tailor them to suit your needs, so if you want only sports news, as an example, you can toggle it that way and not miss out on anything sports related.

Puzzle Apps

Similar to casino apps, puzzles are also perfect for your commute to work as they can get your cognitive skills working ahead of arriving into the office. There are even specific puzzle apps out there designed to train your brain, like Lumosity, which will provide you with daily games to complete, all scientifically proven to boost your brain capacity.

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