Image: Digerati / EA / Secret Location / Ratloop Games / Square Enix / Hi-Rez / Good Luck Games LLC / Kotaku

We’re barely one-twelfth of the way through 2023 and a surprising number of games are already about to get killed off, as devs have announced their impending deaths. Normally, we’d reserve this list for the end-of-the-year round-up, but we’re ringing the death knell early because, with 15 games already lined up for public execution, we need to start paying our respects now. So, let’s get right into it:

Update 03/08/2023 6:30 p.m. ET: We’ve added 12 more games to this article that have already been taken offline, will no longer receive updates, and/or are scheduled to be delisted in the near future. This brings our total number of dead or soon-to-expire games to a whopping 27. Wow, that’s a lot of death.

Update 5/03/2023 5:35 p.m. ET: Another couple of months have gone by, which means we’ve updated this story with another crop of games that have unceremoniously died in some way, shape, or form. This time, we bring word of the untimely demise of an additional nine games. Pour one out, folks.

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